Helena Bacellar LLC

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
& Myofascial Release

About Me
My name is Helena Bacellar and I am a licensed massage therapist in the state of Arizona. I specialize in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial Release. I am registered with the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (BCTA/NA), and a member of and insured by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA).

Professional Training
Professional Training
Massage School
I graduated from the Potomac Massage Training Institute in Washington, DC, in January of 2009. There, I received extensive training in traditional massage, and was introduced to a multitude of other modalities from energy healing to orthopedic massage, and lymphatic drainage.
I received Oncology Massage training from Healwell, a not-for-profit professional organization in the Washington, DC area, which trains massage therapists to work with people affected by cancer treatment in hospitals, hospices, and other medical settings. With the Oncology Massage training, I have learned to adapt my work and be most supportive to a client who has experienced cancer treatment, whether they are in active treatment, in recovery, survivorship, or at the end of life.
I am an Usui Reiki III practitioner attuned by Reiki masters Mary Jane Pagan, Soliter Jaeger, and Joani Hartman.
Myofascial Release
During the last semester at PMTI, I was exposed to Myofascial Release and immediately resonated with it. I decided to delve deeper into this technique, and since then, I have taken most of John Barnes' Myofascial Release seminars. I have also trained extensively with Lori Zeltwanger, PT of Advanced Release Therapy in Sedona, AZ, including her therapeutic dialogue workshop.
Craniosacral Therapy
In Myofascial Release seminars, I learned that the craniosacral system is the deepest layer of the fascial system. I became fascinated with this subtle layer and decided to learn more. I started my Craniosacral Therapy training by taking several classes with Marsha Craven, LMT, CCHt at Healing Arts Connection in Phoenix, AZ. Most of these classes were based on John Upledger's teachings. I had some additional classes from Heidi Wilson, a certified practitioner of Visionary Craniosacral Therapy and graduate of the Milne Institute. I became certified in "Riding the Wave, Touching Stillness," a Craniosacral training with a Biodynamic perspective developed by Heidi.
My desire to dive deeper into the Biodynamic approach to Craniosacral Therapy has led me to complete the 3 year professional training accredited by the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (BCTA/NA), in 2020. My teacher was Roger Gilchrist, MA, RPE, RCST® from the Wellness Institute in Crestone, CO.
Visceral and Neural Manipulation
In recent years, I have continued to expand my knowledge of the visceral (internal organs) and neural (nervous) systems through the Visceral Manipulation and Neuro Manipulation programs from the Barral Institute. I incorporate visceral and/or neural techniques into most sessions.​
My background also includes Yoga. I graduated from the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training program at Willow Street Yoga in Takoma Park, MD, and completed additional training in Yoga Therapeutics with Kathleen Hogan, Jenny Otto and Doug Keller in the Washington DC area. I also completed a 50-hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Bernie Clark and Diana Batts in Vancouver, Canada.
I have had a daily practice of meditation for many years, which is very helpful for holding presence for clients and for the healing process to unravel. I believe that by allowing ourselves to feel and deepen into the stillness within, healing starts to take place.
Phone/text: 301-318-5270
Email: hbacellar@gmail.com

Professional Awards
I was nominated for the Customer Service award at the 2015 Shining Stars/ Entrepreneurial Excellence event sponsored by NAWBO SVV (National Association of Women Business Owners, Sedona-Verde Valley chapter). The Customer Service award is for women business owners "known for outstanding customer service and ongoing customer relations."